I mean, if you aren't magically hitting shots subconsciously, you're just not hitting shots. The real problem at those sensitivities is lg and mg, rail you can get pretty good at, but it's really inconsistent. I did end up using 6" or 8", since tracking with the mg was a big deal in ql ffa. I had to get away from low sens in ql because I had nagging shoulder stuff and I was just a ffa scrub so it was just easier anyway.
Sorry for the novel, but my real question is should I go lower? 4"/360 is as far as I can tell ridiculous and sure I have been pretty good with it, and people always say it's personal preference and I think it's silly when people constantly ask about pro players sens (lmao like it'll make them better), but like seriously is there anyone who can give some advice?Ĥ" is maybe a touch higher than what zero4 used to use, agent used to use about 2" but I think he's at about 3" now, so yeah it's doable. It's not been so bad cause I'm used to my sens but a lot of times I feel can't line up a shot cause I have to move my mouse so finely and if I think too much about it, it misses where if I didn't I am more likely to reactively snap to it (but still could be better). I always have had high sensitivity though, ~4"/360, and I get all my rockets super well getting some sick midairs cause the speed of reaction, but I feel I could improve my hitscan, especially rail. It's been super fun and fast so it has formed well to my play style I feel. Hey so I played tf2 before anything with quake and I recently really liked quake champions and had never played quake before. There are a few devs that roam this reddit.

Experiment with each game, take into account your aim potential, your playstyle, and what requirements the game that you main has, that is how you land on a god-mode FOV value. If you expected this article to end with a blanket statement like “yeah just use this” then I am sorry to disappoint you but that is not how things work when you want to actually maximize your potential in a game. Ideally, you will choose a FOV value for each game where you can see just enough of your surrounding world to make accurate positioning decisions while also being low enough so you can track fast-moving targets with the increased reactivity of a low value.

It is important to mention that each game has individual requirements and the same value will not work for all the games you play.
Taking all the information above into account, to choose a good FOV value for yourself you need to make some clear choices: Do you prioritize positioning and map awareness over aim and micro plays? Do you have the mouse control to maintain good aim on lower FOV? Can your PC maintain high FPS even while rendering more of the game because of your high FOV?