" Great book, all quotes of people involved with the show one way or another. at this point nothing written was really a revelation about the backstage of SNL " not nearly as dishy as you want it to be. " So intriguing! Need to watch the older seasons on Netflix! Just letting the people talk worked fabulously. At first I thought it could have used some editing, but no way.

Clear and concise! This is an excellent read! " - Ivannah, Well written, though it was in interview form. " whoa! this was great! I highly recommend it to any SNL fan. " would've prefered a more edited, narrative history, though there's some value in the straight quotes from people involved. " A great insight into how awful and backward this show really was, and even more so today. " A must read for anyone who consider him or herself an SNL fan! " - Allison,

If that sounds of any interest to you, you'll love it. " Exactly what it purports to be: an all encompassing oral history spanning 600 pages and 25+ years of SNL.
" A fine oral history of any sort, but quite possibly one of the best TV books ever written. " An enjoyable enough read that could have been a great read if the authors had spent more time talking about the manifestation of comedic genius otherwise known as Saturday Night Live instead of presenting lengthy reports of interpersonal squabbles behind the show. and Anthony Michael Hall on SNL? " - Devin, " Too repetitive in its coverage of Lorne Michael's role, especially the final chapter devoted solely to him, but entertaining nonetheless, and fun in its recall of cast members long forgotten - Robert Downey Jr.
" Oddly written, but full of enough stories to make the book enjoyable. " I feel so much more prepared for my career path.And perhaps slightly more terrified. " a compelling read that dives into the dirty, druggy, rock 'n' roll days of SNL. Some great characters have been a part of the show, from Chevy Chase to Andy Sandberg. " Great history and stories about the ups and downs of SNL. Harry Shearer (who knew?!) was an uppity, demanding dick.

Boring overall, but I kept flogging myself with it because, frankly, what else do I have to do while drag racing to work every day? HIGH POINT: Confirms Chevy Chase as a dick. The casts and writers of SNL since its inception really seem to forget it IS ONLY A TV SHOW! They are so into the glory days, it's a little sad.
It's all presented as a series of quotes, and listens overall like a bunch of puling" and/or self-eggrandizing. So far, ironically, for such potentially funny subject matter, it's totally dry & sound-bite-ish. " Excellent history of SNL from the people who lived it. " A must-read for any SNL super-fan! " - Jamie, Now I understand why some SNL shows are awesome and why others blow. I never realized the amount of work that goes into one week of creating a show. Everyone is in there and gets their fair share of stories and opinions. " After reading Jay Mohr's book "Gasping for Airtime" all about his experiences working on SNL.